Top 10 Reasons to Go Solar in California (And Reduce CO2)

California has experienced astronomical rates for electricity over the past 5 years, making solar energy a great way to lower your bills and decrease your environmental footprint. Going solar in California is a smart decision that will benefit both you and the planet!

If you call California home and are weary of shelling out extra for your Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric bills each month, then the solution is simple – go solar! You will be able to save hundreds (if not thousands) on a yearly basis. But act now before Net Energy Metering (NEM) 2.0 is overtaken by NEM 3.0 in order to make sure that you reap all the benefits solar energy has to offer!

Californians are choosing to go solar for many excellent reasons – to liberate their wallet from utilities, save money by producing energy themselves, boost the value of their home, and assist in reducing our planet’s carbon footprint.

In this article, you will find 10 compelling reasons to move forward with solar energy in California right now!

Reason #1: Cut Down on Monthly Energy Costs

Going solar in California is an ideal solution to save money on monthly energy costs. The cost of electricity has escalated astronomically over the past five years, making it increasingly difficult to keep up with bills. But with solar energy, you can generate your own electricity and reduce your reliance on costly utility companies. With net metering, any excess energy produced can be credited to your utility bill, resulting in (in most cases) a zero balance monthly!

Reason #2: Get Tax Credits and Incentives

California has some of the most generous solar incentives and tax credits in the United States. Homeowners who choose to go solar can take advantage of a 30% federal tax credit, as well as numerous state and local rebates. In addition, many utilities offer additional incentives for those who decide to switch to clean energy sources like solar power. All these financial benefits make it even more attractive for homeowners in California to go solar now!

By selecting a particular solar company, you may qualify for attractive rebates. Similarly, some manufacturers offer instant discounts when choosing their panels and inverters. Make sure to explore all of the incentives that solar companies have to offer so you can get the best deal!

Reason #3: Help the Environment by Reducing Emissions

Solar energy is an environmentally friendly and clean source of energy, which helps reduce emissions in the atmosphere and creates a healthier environment for all. Going solar in California is not only great for your finances but it also helps you to do your part for the planet. When you switch to solar power, you can enjoy reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which contribute to smog and climate change.

Reason #4: Enhance Your Home’s Value and Appeal

Solar panels not only cut down energy costs, but they also make a great aesthetic addition to any home. Installing solar panels on your roof can help to boost the value of your property and give it an eye-catching appeal. Studies have shown that homes with solar panels typically sell faster (20%) and for higher prices than those without.

It is estimated that for every $1 you save on energy bills, your home’s value increases by approximately $20. This makes it a great investment for homeowners who wish to increase the resale value of their property.

Putting solar panels on your roof can add tremendous value to your home, making it a much more attractive investment for future buyers. A study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California revealed that homes with solar panels sell an average of $15,000 more than those without.

Solar energy is not only great for your wallet, but it’s also an excellent way to boost the value of your home and make it more desirable.

Reason #5: Stop Paying California’s High Electricity Costs to Utilities

Electricity prices in California are some of the highest in the nation, often ranging from double to triple the national average. This leaves many Californians paying significantly more for their utilities compared to those living in other states.

By switching to solar energy, homeowners can drastically reduce their utility bills and stop having to pay outrageous electricity costs to large utilities like PG&E, SCE, and SDGE.

With a solar system installed, you can generate your own clean electricity and drastically reduce your reliance on expensive utility companies. This will help you save money in the long run and keep a significantly lower monthly energy bill!

Reason #6: Benefit From Net-Metering to Sell Excess Energy in the Grid

Net energy metering is a great way for homeowners to save money on their utility bills. With net energy metering, any excess electricity generated by a solar system can be sold back to the local utility companies at the same rate that it is purchased from them – resulting in a zero net balance. This not only helps to reduce monthly electricity bills, but it also helps to offset the initial cost of the solar system itself.

Utility companies are required by law in California to purchase excess energy from homeowners with net metering agreements at retail rates. This allows households to benefit from lower utility bills and helps them to generate extra income in the long run!

Keep in mind that NEM 2.0 will be replaced by NEM 3.0 on April 13, 2023. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) recently endorsed NEM 3.0 with a unanimous vote, resulting in PG&E, SCE and SDG&E customers who have solar systems receiving an average of 8 cents per kWh for the excess energy they supply to the grid – that’s approximately 75% lower than prior transactions under NEM 2.0 which calculated at 30 cents per kWh on average!

Reason #7: Take Advantage of California’s Abundant Sunshine

California is the perfect place to take advantage of solar energy, thanks to its abundant sunshine and warm climate. With more than 300 days of sunshine each year, California has one of the highest potentials for solar energy use in the United States.

Solar panels can convert this into clean electricity that can be used to power homes and businesses across the state. By investing in a solar system, Californians can benefit from reduced energy bills and an increased property value – all while reducing their carbon footprint!

Reason #8: Create Green Jobs in Your Community

Investing in solar energy is a great way to create green jobs in your community. By investing in renewable energy sources like solar, you can help reduce local air pollution and increase the number of available jobs.

Solar projects not only provide employment opportunities for those involved with the installation, but they also offer economic benefits for the entire community. As more people invest in clean energy sources, there will be an increased demand for workers who specialize in this field.

This could lead to job growth and improved economic stability as well as reduced emissions from traditional power plants. Additionally, these green jobs can help foster innovation and sustainable development while providing a stable source of income that supports families and communities alike.

Reason #9: Support a Cleaner, Healthier Energy Future for Everyone

Investing in solar energy is an important step toward creating a cleaner, healthier energy future for everyone in the community. Solar power is a renewable source of energy that does not produce dangerous emissions like fossil fuels and can help reduce air pollution.

By investing in solar systems, Californians can benefit from reduced dependence on large utility companies and lower electricity bills – all while reducing their carbon footprint!

Reason #10: Become Part of a Growing Trend in Renewable Energy

Investing in solar energy is a great way to join the growing trend of renewable energy and promote sustainability. Solar power is an abundant, clean source of energy that can be used to power homes and businesses across California.

Not only does investing in solar systems save individuals money on electricity costs, but it also creates jobs for local communities as the demand for skilled professionals rises. What’s more, it is a step towards creating cleaner and healthier futures by reducing emissions from power plants and promoting sustainable development.

Conclusion & Final Thoughts

Solar energy is the perfect way for Californians to take advantage of their abundant sunshine and warm climate. Not only will investing in a solar system help you save money on electricity costs, but it also has many other benefits like creating green jobs in your community and reducing air pollution.

By taking action now, you can be part of a growing trend toward renewable energy sources that promote sustainability while helping to create cleaner and healthier futures for everyone involved.

Also, NEM 2.0 is sunsetting on April 13, 2023, so you need to act fast if you want to be grandfathered in. NEM 3.0 will not be as encouraging to solar customers because of the changes to interconnection fees, net metering, and energy credits.

So don’t wait any longer – start looking into ways you can invest in solar today!

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